TGPCNet--Achieving Simplicity in Doped Material Simulation via Multimodal Text-Guided Pure Compounds for Enhanced Solar Efficiency

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What Data-Centric AI Can Do For k-means--a Faster, Robust k-means-d

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Novel NBA Fantasy League driven by Engineered Team Chemistry and Scaled Position Statistics

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Are Sports Awards About Sports? Using AI to Find the Answer

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Are They What They Claim: A Comprehensive Study of Ordinary Linear Regression Among the Top Machine Learning Libraries in Python

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AReS: An AutoML Regression Service for Data Analytics and Novel Data-centric Visualizations

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Data Expressiveness and Its Use in Data-centric AI

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Size Dependent Electronic Structure and Structural Properties of Cupric Oxide (CuO) NanoParticles

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Using data analytics to optimize public transportation on a college campus

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A novel approach to optimization of iterative machine learning algorithms: Over heap structure

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